Friday, April 10, 2009


"If someone as blessed as I am is not willing to clean out the barn, who will?"

Ross Perot (Patriot)

“If the voters don’t have the stomach for me, they can get one of those blow-dried guys.”

Ross Perot (Realist)

In the last three decades, about the only truth I ever heard a politician utter was:

Who am I? And what am I doing here?

– Ret. Adm. James Stockdale’s opening remarks, vice-presidential debate, 1992.

Stockdale was of course introducing himself to the citizenry of the United States, who had absolutely no idea who he was. The irresponsible media, however, used this unfortunate statement to embarrass the old squid considerably.

At least he was trying to reach out to the people. (Remember when president Bush, the elder first saw a UPC RF Scanner, poor man had no idea they existed; he had not been to the grocery store himself in who knows how long- can anyone say, “Out of touch”). Name a presidential or vice-presidential candidate who has realistically succeeded in relating to the public without fear or guilt in your lifetime (and some claim a separation between Church and State- ha!). And please, spare me of your “kinder, gentler nation,” or any of your teleprompter slogans. Every one of them said they would help the poor, ignorant peoples of the United States, but what have they done? We are on the brink of the worst social and financial crisis in our country’s history and the best idea the newest clone-administration has is to print more money, write stimulus checks, and put everybody on welfare. I phoned two economists the other day curious about political policies on the current crisis. Both said without hesitation after my brief opening remarks, “Guaranteed inflation. Buy gold and silver.”

I said, “I can see that, and I am not an economist. Earn your keep. What about this administration’s policies? Are they going to at least help curb this slide?”

One said, again, without hesitation, “What policies?”

The other said, “You won’t find any of these actions in any economic plan in history, except for the one that buries a nation’s currency.”

Anyway, those “real-life” economists -unlike those hacks on MSNBC or any of the other media-overlords-of-information networks who told us the economy was fine, as the DOW sunk like a stone in deep water- did not cheer me up as I had hoped. All the lies from the Bush administration flooded my mind, at least all I heard; my favorite being his last State of the Union where he confidently read, “The state of our unstable economy is sound.” It makes no sense, but that seemed the norm. Soon after thinking about that, I recalled the teleprompter campaign of lies during the 2008 election spouting, “Do you really want another Bushite? McCain is a little Bush clone.” More like an old and feeble Bush clone, but I do not have time to get into that here. There are more lies to talk about. The media was clearly biased, but nobody seemed to care. However, a few folks did notice a few interesting things. Such as:

(1) Bush ran up the National Debt to incredulous levels – they said, correctly.

- Obama is set to TRIPLE that National Debt in just a fraction of the time it took Bush to “ruin” everything.

(2) Bush hooked and crooked us into Afghanistan and Iraq; we have to get out now – they said, correctly.

- Obama apparently likes the idea so much he is deepening the debacle by sending more troops and dollars into Afghanistan and Iraq, prolonging the misery of this senseless war.

(3) Bush terrorized terrorists, and that is unethical – they said (including Sen. E. Kennedy, MA, moralist), correctly.

- Obama’s comrades supplied at least MIAC with a claptrap report. MIAC initially accepted and issued the politically driven report that U.S. Senator and patriot Ron Paul, along with his “third-party” flunkies and some other decent citizens, should be considered domestic terrorists; and tried to get at least the Missouri State Police to treat Paul supporters and other “honest, law abiding citizens” (who are actually NOT blood-thirsty terrorists) as hostile enemies. That gives all new meaning to “Home Grown Terror.” In this case, it is pseudo-political, leftist-fringe groups secretly manipulating the unsuspecting populace. So, it IS NOT OK to abuse terrorists, but abusing your own innocent citizens IS OK. Fortunately, some Good Guys stepped in.

(4) Bush attempted to turn over most of our major ports to inauspicious Arab companies – they said, correctly.

- Obama disrespects the Queen of England, yet practically prostrates himself before the King of Saudi Arabia (all in front of the cameras; see Youtube, both American and British feeds); pens a book (“Audacity of Hope”)which states when the stuff hits the fan, he is tossing his lot in with the Muslims. Well, at least this president is semi-honest about his religion.

That does not even scratch the surface of evidence indicating that Bush and Obama are actually working off the same playbook with a few party-unique twists.

Anyway, besides the fake Texican and the ½ black, ½ white man, with no political experience, masquerading as a 100% black man with 100% experience, there were many others who raised serious doubts about this country’s common sense in promoting presidential candidates and ignoring Independents.

Many men actually thought they should be the Executive of the greatest country in the history of the world, here are few.

(1) An android, master “delusion-ist”, and internet creator;

(2) The “I blew myself up and then recommended myself for a purple heart, more than once”;

(3) Halliburton (need I say more; if I needed to, I would say, “Bell Helicopters”);

(4) There was the “that depends on what your definition of the word ‘is’ is”;

(5) Throw away “WW2 crippled vet with a speech impediment” candidate in 1996;

(6) Throw away “Vietnam crippled vet with a speech impediment and anger problem” candidate in 2008;

(7) Not to mention the kings of living political satire, masters of the multi-coloured coalition to keep albinos out, and holders of shocking hairdos.

That does not even scratch the surface of evidence that competition for the presidency of the United States is at an all time low. Even counting Harding, Grant, Ford, S. Douglas, and all those fake conservatives on the 2008 Republican ticket that lost out to the fakest conservative, as one “Obscene Horde”, mathematically that list equals only a fraction of silliness of the “newest” potential candidates. At least Clinton was a legitimate Rhodes Scholar; arrogant, yes, but highly intelligent; (except (1)when he ordered that rocket strike into the heart of Kabul trying to chill Bin-Laden- not wise; (2)Rwanda (but he admitted that mistake); and (3)Lewinsky (which he did not admit); and (4)Stephanopoulos (which was not an initial mistake)). [Note: If I had the $6 million an hour it takes to hire Steph, he would be my personal mentor; he would also come equipped with Carville, who works free of charge because he truly believes this political stuff is real and that the Creator has endowed him with political genius and the accompanying zany accent; Carville being the political equivalent of a bona fide church of Christ preacher).]

Anyway, so there is a dreadful selection of presidential candidates and the worst is yet to come, I am afraid. After assessing all that, a Stockdale with Alzheimers running with a fast-talking, no nonsense, chart-wielding, authentic Texican and billionaire does not sound so bad.

People, Perot almost won that 1992 election, that would have secured real freedom in the U.S. for at least the next five or six centuries, if he had; but that had to be stopped; but, I know what happened. I stumbled across this declassified, wiretapped conversation, not three years ago. I have held the story for long enough. The transcript is as follows.

Unidentified Voice (UV) – Ross, friend, you’re makin’ this little election too close for a lot of peoples likin’.

Perot – That’s right. Tell me, now. Tell me. [blacked out with permanent marker]… President Perot sounds and a free people of the United States?

UV – I’m thinkin’ you’d better step down…[blacked out]

Perot – Now, hold them horses, hombre. [blacked out]…they call a monumental event in American history. A third party victory will [blacked out]…upset the [blacked out]

UV- Maybe so. But hows ‘bout this, Ross. We are going to [blacked out]… skin, and eat all your precious [blacked out]… if you ain’t gonna step down.

Perot – H. Ross Perot don’t quit [blacked out] He can’t be threatened. No sir. No sir. No sir-re-bob. H. Ross Perot don’t quit. H. Ross Perot ain’t a feared of no man.”

UV – Ross, we’s gonna [blacked out]… until you do. Very embarrassing. Not to mention [blacked out]…daughter [blacked out]… photos [blacked out]… imps.

Perot – Ya’ll serious, ain’t ya. I thought you mighta been bluffin’. But ya’lls serious.

UV – Bet [blacked out]

Perot – Shoo-wee. [explicative – removed by JSM] Yankees. Ya’ll know how to play hardball, sure enough. Sure enough.

UV – So we have an accord.

Perot – Ain’t left with much choice; but I’ll come back . Can’t keep ole H. Ross Perot down. No sir. No sir! Ya see.

UV – We were going to suggest that you re-enter the [blacked out]... Hey, tell ya what, Ross. You can even pretend [blacked out]… again in ’96.

Perot – Bast [blacked out]… I see. I see.

UV – Thank ya, Ross. You made the right choice. Glad your takin’ this so well.

!!!Of course, I certainly cannot verify the authenticity of this document!!! Especially since the dialogue sounds like that Southern Bible Version, where Memphis is Jerusalem and everybody is talking with marbles in their mouths; or like the last president after a few cocktails at Bohemian Grove; or, admittedly, like a Saint Martel family reunion.

Anyway, the 1st moral of this tale is that when a candidate is threatened appropriately, punked-out, jailed, or found to really be the GOAT (like Sen. Dodd and the CEO incentive package fiasco) they ought to go down and stay down, or at least make only a spurious comeback like my man H. Ross Perot, then be gone forever. If half these clownish “fiends” dropped out when busted, maybe some real candidates would emerge. That is the problem, like zombies, they keep coming back. Remember Nixon?

The 2nd moral of this tale is that we need people with guts, like the “original” H. Ross Perot, who saw his mission clearly and surfaced, wild and hairy like John the Baptist. Half-crazed believers in the Constitution and Declaration, who in fact believe in liberty, in American prosperity and sovereignty, should step forward and howl long at the moon. To save this country we need a lot less backtracking, sidestepping, dodging, escaping, avoiding, double speaking, and a lot more

“Give me liberty, or give me death.” – Patrick Henry (actual Patriot).

Besides being the greatest Independent candidate in recent history, thoroughly whipping and exasperating Gore in a debate on NAFTA, and holding highest degrees in “common sense” and “patriotism”, during the Iran hostage Crisis, 1979, Perot successfully rescued his EDS team members held hostage by terrorists Iranians (surprise, surprise), while the government could only muster a tragic helicopter crash attempting to save theirs. Perot also received the Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the highest civilian award given by the Department of Defense and is a wonderful example of capitalism gone right.

So, come back “original” H. Ross Perot. Come back to us and make the path straight.

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