Thursday, May 21, 2009


Federal Communications Chairman Michael Copps is actively promoting a deception concerning the "Fairness Doctrine". Copps says that the prejudice "Doctrine" is not set for a comeback. Apparently he has not been listening to Pelosi & Reid, the chief tyrants against free speech and their despotic minions in the Democratic (Carpetbagger) and Republican (Scallywag) Parties.

Why am I speaking out against Copps? Because he indirectly called me an "issue monger" and "conspiracy theorist". I AM NEITHER.

The ISSUES are what is most pressing. To ignore ISSUES is to commit intellectual suicide, which has been done by most major network broadcast companies and their plastic faced, script reading puppets. If do not talk about the ISSUES, then the Modern Dictator Movement in the United States will continue its power grab and have us all regurgitating their profane and drone-ish doctrines. If power-mad politicians in Washington are talking about resurrecting the "Fairness Doctrine", then you can bet I'll be on that ISSUE.

And - Copps - for your information, it is not a conspiracy theory. When our political leaders are drafting legislation for its return it is no longer a theory and there is no conspiracy.

It appears the puppet Copps is a Utopian Drone. I thought much better of him before he revealed his allegiance. Now in America, contrary to the DHS assessment on Right-Wing Extremism, a person is innocent until proven guilty. So I'll give Copps some leniency, some time to come to his sense and retract his ignorance. Keep in mind, however, that if DHS, instead of me, were handling Copps guilt or innocence it would already be decided. DHS' policy is apparently guilty until proven innocent. If you have not yet read DHS' slanderous assessment, please do so. You will find that without committing any crime and without any evidence that crimes will be committed in the future, DHS assessed that and number of people are right-wing extremist. The list includes: Certain Christians, pro-lifers, those who are anti-illegal immigration, anti-new world order, and those who "bemoan the decline of the United States." WHAT DO THEY WANT US TO DO? CELEBRATE!!! Only a COMMUNIST RED TRAITOR ALDRICH AIMS BENEDICT ARNOLD JUDAS ISCARIOT TYPE would not WEEP & WAIL over the decline of the greatest nation in world history.

So many puppets. So many drones.

Is Copps a puppet?

He accused me of issue mongering. Only a puppet would of the "new" tolerance would try and silence a person from discussing the issues. So, imagine that, a puppet for the Dictator telling me and you not to talk about the issues at hand.

Also, DHS' assessment called the New World Order a "conspiracy theory" even thought every President since Bush I has talked about the NWO and driven us closer to it control, especially Obama. They are not the only ones. The Prime Minister of England and the President of Russia practically use the term every other week. YET, IS ONLY A CONSPIRACY THEORY.

And we should NOT be concerned with theories or ISSUES, apparently.


Monday, May 11, 2009


The uselessness of the United Nations continues to shock the civilized world!

Colombo, Sri Lanka –

Gordon Weiss, U.N. spokesperson said Monday (May 11, 2009), “The U.N. has consistently warned against the bloodbath scenario as we’ve watched the steady increase in civilian deaths over the last months.”

Apparently, as the United Nations WATCHED, nearly a 1000 people were ethnically cleansed, including 106 children, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Reminiscent of genocide in Rwanda, Africa, the U.N. has made quite a name for itself over the years by knowing of sure calamity, waiting until after disaster has struck, then acting as humanitarians to end the violence. NOTE: (1) the U.N. usually does not end the violence; please consider Mogadishu, or Darfur, Sudan, or the gangland battles with the Mexican government for that matter; (2) Anyone can be a humanitarian after the fact; what is so special about helping people after they have died?

That may sound harsh, especially to mindless supporters of globalization, but how cynical is it to MONITOR a death scenario without INTERVENING?

Are there no preventative measures to curb violence these days? Is everyone, including our savior, the United Nations, powerless to affect change in the world?

Whatever happened to preventative medicine? The ancient Far East used to practice true healing. A doctor cared for his patients. If they stayed healthy, they paid the doctor. If the patients became ill, the doctor paid them. Try explaining that one to your insurance company. Also, try getting a refund from you insurance company when you have overpaid. And, try recouping unused premium. The scam of insurance, caused by inflated prices, high-dollar lawyers, and especially trial lawyers, is bankrupting many individuals in many civilized countries. A similar scam is being ran by the U.N. Try explaining to the U.N. that education is more important than dropping bags of food into gang controlled areas of the world; that is it more efficient to teach a person how to fish than it is to give them fish; that it is more efficient to uphold laws and battle criminal gangsters than it is to peace-keep after a genocide. That is like trying to explain to an insurance company that when they take your premiums, and you never file a claim, that when they keep your money (premium) it is STEALING. The U.N. is stealing money from most countries in the world to act after the fact or NOT ACT AT ALL. Even insurance companies like All-State are becoming more proactive, offering small refunds and discounts to safe drivers. The U.N. needs to offer refunds and discounts to the United States for funding their substandard operations; or at least refund the countries that lost money in the U.N. “Oil for Food Scandal”, in which most of the THIEVES walked away. We need PREVENTATIVE ACTION, COMMON SENSE ACTION, EDUCATIONAL ACTION & POLICE ACTION not against innocent civilians (good-guys), but against dictators and gangsters world-wide. If the U.N. continues to prop-up dictators, protecting them as they did Sadaam Hussein, as they do protect the violent, Sudanese rĂ©gimes by continuing to allow their presence on the U.N. Human Rights Commission, which is under the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Imagine that, slave traders and violent aggressors protecting the world’s innocent for barbarous slave masters. What a great idea! But hey, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights is just a forum; they do not really plan on doing anything anyway.

Back to Sri Lanka… How many bodies must pile up here and across the globe before the United Nations revamps their policies and recreates their philosophy? How much longer will the citizens of the United States allow their globalist-representatives send tax dollars to an organization whose thought and strategy are more primitive than the counties they are trying to help?

A brave new world is upon us, and those leading the pack only treat symptoms. They apparently enjoy watching more than acting. They only want to get their hands dirty pilfering the global tax till, not actually preventing violence and crimes against humanity. It is time for A NEW WORLD ORDER, a rule of civilized people, not despotic gangsters and world dictators disguised as humanitarians. Whether by putting a gun to your head and a boot to your throat or creating laws to silence freedom of speech, DICTATORS IS DICTATORS, brothers and sisters. They all got to go.



Friday, May 08, 2009


Slothful is word that has gone out of stylish use these days. Not that it is useless, quite the contrary, it so accurately defines most Americans (including Canadians, Mexicans, and our sister America "South") that certain groups fear its continued use will cause mass defection from deception into reality.

Sloth is generally associated with great idleness and a severe case of "lack of concern". Slothfulness, the condition of the sloth, when applied to the process of thinking is synonymous with such terms as "brain dead" or "fried" or "comatose" or "a few beers short of six-pack". And that is exactly what we must discuss.

Statements from high-ranking government officials are sometimes oozing with apparent slothful thought. For example: (1) "The state of our unstable economy is sound"; (2) "Being and illegal immigrant is not a crime and shouldn't be."

If you are unsure where to begin in attributing these quotes, I will help: (1) Bush II (state of the union 2008); (2) Giuliani (07-Sept-2007) & Napolitano (April-2009, on CNN's State of the Union) - political-savants, I suppose.

After pondering for a moment if these people even used speech writers, then another second or two considering Egos, my delusion-proof mind locked on to the real scoop: Since these people are intelligent (yes, Bush II pulled a fast one on you; he is not the idiot he portrayed for 8 years in Washington; the academy award nominee for the role of president is W; even better than Reagan) and each can afford an entire regiment of speech writers, so the answer is that "they are simply telling the truth" or at least their version of it. Call it "Political Truth version 2.0" (and expect version 3.0 just about the time most of the sheep figure out that version 2.0 is BUNK, just like "Political Truth version 1.0" was).

It is the "Truth", brothers and sisters. Unstable is sound. Illegal is not criminal. (Though in the U.S. code, Section 8, Title 1325, states directly that entry into the United States of America illegally is in fact a serious crime; and the Common Sense Code states without doubt that a thing rendered unstable has indeed become unsound). This is what Orwell identified as "Double-Speak", where two opposing ideas and/or actions can both be real and really happening in the minds of DICTATORS. For instance, in double-speak I can say that I am walking while I am actually sitting in a chair, and fully expect you to believe me, reacting in astonishment when you do not and becoming appalled when you question my reasoning. Double-speak also allows for me to remain in your good favor when I say that 'I love you' as I toss your newborn kittens into a rawhide sack and fling them into a raging river. And that is the gospel truth, well, not quite.

You see, laws are not worth the paper their written on. The Constitution, the document that changed the world and gave hope to slaves everywhere, is now used mainly as a prop in movies; from 2001-2008 it was used as toilet paper and was officially flushed down by our latest version, president 44.0, in 2009.

If fact, if you have the power, the financial backing, and the audacity, you can make your own laws in disregard of fairness. You can even create a THING called the "Fairness Doctrine" and have absolutely no intentions of abiding by the "fair".

Like the "Federal Reserve", which is a private corporation and has no relation directly to the federal government, except apparently to relieve it of tax payer dollars, the "Fairness Doctrine" is not fair. To be sure, this corrupt doctrine is specifically designed to single out specific groups for protection and specific groups for condemnation. If the creators of the "Fairness Doctrine" do not agree with what you say, then you cannot say it in public. This is very scary and very true.

Michael Savage is the first well-known victim of this bastardized-doctrine that curtails free speech and violates an inalienable right of a U.S. citizen. However, Savage was not banned in the U.S., not yet. He was banned by the island nation of England. Most likely this is a trial run to see if Americans will rise up against such DESPOTIC action, before engaging the same Orwellian-type, fascist principles of government here.

Bear in mind the Homeland Security "Right-wing Extremist" report and its slanders against innocent people was signed off by NAPOLITANO. That assessment report targeted pro-lifers, third-party candidates, those who opposes illegal immigration, those who bemoan the decline of the United States as a leader and powerful influence in the world. Basically, if you hold the values of a patriotic American or Christians and love to exercise the BILL OF RIGHTS, then you will not be tolerated. You must think and feel exactly as everyone else does (which apparently means that you are degenerate, valueless, anti-free speech, anti-self protection, anti- U.S. success, anti-Constitution, and anti-life). You must be SILENCED. You will not be treated FAIRLY. You will COMPLY, or else you will be BANNED.

Orwell was a prophet.

The U.S. is swiftly, and carelessly, creating a world of DOUBLE-SPEAK and THOUGHT POLICE. Already having control of the text books, and so by are REVISING HISTORY, the Constitution and its Amendments are in danger of extinction. Freedom is waning in this epoch of history. American values must be preserved against these tyrants of liberty. We must engage in a "slothrun" to oppose their hostile banter and attacks on justice.

What is a slothrun? Well, they believe we are sheep, that we are slothful in our pursuit of freedom, in our thought and action; and they are right. However, in a flock of sheep, in a group of sloth, there is always one or two who cannot be explained. They are unique beings all to themselves, though they appear in the form of a sloth. They do not behave like normal sloths. They do not think like normal sloths. They will not accept ridiculous and opposing definitions as truth. They will not accept tyranny as freedom. They will not accept another version of the same corruption. In short, these are not sloths at all in the traditional sense. Normal sloth do not run; they cannot run; their genetics are set to "slow". The "New" sloth, the "Reformed" sloth, the "Free" sloth can run and much, much more.
So what is the real point? Double-speak works both ways. Use double-speak yourself against those who use it against you. Confuse them. Propagandize them. Keep them guessing, off balance. And...

Come out from among the nations and be separate. Leave the two-party system of government (it is two heads attached to the same beast) that is turning into an actual ONE-PARTY SYSTEM of government. Demand your voice be heard. If anti-lifers (abortionists) have the right to be heard and practice their butchery, then you have the right to be pro-life and practice sanctity. If supporters of same-sex marriage have the right to speak freely, then marriage protectionists have the right to speak freely. If those who are trying to sell out U.S. sovereignty to International Powers, World Finance, and Global Government can purport their fiendish doctrine, then the doctrine of liberty can be shouted from the mountain tops and proclaimed in the streets as well.

Do not believe their lies. Do not fall prey to their deceptive tactics. Now is the time to break out of the definitions they create to imprison your mind and behavior. Now is the time. NOW! RUN SLOTH RUN. RUN SLOTH RUN.

Friday, April 10, 2009


"If someone as blessed as I am is not willing to clean out the barn, who will?"

Ross Perot (Patriot)

“If the voters don’t have the stomach for me, they can get one of those blow-dried guys.”

Ross Perot (Realist)

In the last three decades, about the only truth I ever heard a politician utter was:

Who am I? And what am I doing here?

– Ret. Adm. James Stockdale’s opening remarks, vice-presidential debate, 1992.

Stockdale was of course introducing himself to the citizenry of the United States, who had absolutely no idea who he was. The irresponsible media, however, used this unfortunate statement to embarrass the old squid considerably.

At least he was trying to reach out to the people. (Remember when president Bush, the elder first saw a UPC RF Scanner, poor man had no idea they existed; he had not been to the grocery store himself in who knows how long- can anyone say, “Out of touch”). Name a presidential or vice-presidential candidate who has realistically succeeded in relating to the public without fear or guilt in your lifetime (and some claim a separation between Church and State- ha!). And please, spare me of your “kinder, gentler nation,” or any of your teleprompter slogans. Every one of them said they would help the poor, ignorant peoples of the United States, but what have they done? We are on the brink of the worst social and financial crisis in our country’s history and the best idea the newest clone-administration has is to print more money, write stimulus checks, and put everybody on welfare. I phoned two economists the other day curious about political policies on the current crisis. Both said without hesitation after my brief opening remarks, “Guaranteed inflation. Buy gold and silver.”

I said, “I can see that, and I am not an economist. Earn your keep. What about this administration’s policies? Are they going to at least help curb this slide?”

One said, again, without hesitation, “What policies?”

The other said, “You won’t find any of these actions in any economic plan in history, except for the one that buries a nation’s currency.”

Anyway, those “real-life” economists -unlike those hacks on MSNBC or any of the other media-overlords-of-information networks who told us the economy was fine, as the DOW sunk like a stone in deep water- did not cheer me up as I had hoped. All the lies from the Bush administration flooded my mind, at least all I heard; my favorite being his last State of the Union where he confidently read, “The state of our unstable economy is sound.” It makes no sense, but that seemed the norm. Soon after thinking about that, I recalled the teleprompter campaign of lies during the 2008 election spouting, “Do you really want another Bushite? McCain is a little Bush clone.” More like an old and feeble Bush clone, but I do not have time to get into that here. There are more lies to talk about. The media was clearly biased, but nobody seemed to care. However, a few folks did notice a few interesting things. Such as:

(1) Bush ran up the National Debt to incredulous levels – they said, correctly.

- Obama is set to TRIPLE that National Debt in just a fraction of the time it took Bush to “ruin” everything.

(2) Bush hooked and crooked us into Afghanistan and Iraq; we have to get out now – they said, correctly.

- Obama apparently likes the idea so much he is deepening the debacle by sending more troops and dollars into Afghanistan and Iraq, prolonging the misery of this senseless war.

(3) Bush terrorized terrorists, and that is unethical – they said (including Sen. E. Kennedy, MA, moralist), correctly.

- Obama’s comrades supplied at least MIAC with a claptrap report. MIAC initially accepted and issued the politically driven report that U.S. Senator and patriot Ron Paul, along with his “third-party” flunkies and some other decent citizens, should be considered domestic terrorists; and tried to get at least the Missouri State Police to treat Paul supporters and other “honest, law abiding citizens” (who are actually NOT blood-thirsty terrorists) as hostile enemies. That gives all new meaning to “Home Grown Terror.” In this case, it is pseudo-political, leftist-fringe groups secretly manipulating the unsuspecting populace. So, it IS NOT OK to abuse terrorists, but abusing your own innocent citizens IS OK. Fortunately, some Good Guys stepped in.

(4) Bush attempted to turn over most of our major ports to inauspicious Arab companies – they said, correctly.

- Obama disrespects the Queen of England, yet practically prostrates himself before the King of Saudi Arabia (all in front of the cameras; see Youtube, both American and British feeds); pens a book (“Audacity of Hope”)which states when the stuff hits the fan, he is tossing his lot in with the Muslims. Well, at least this president is semi-honest about his religion.

That does not even scratch the surface of evidence indicating that Bush and Obama are actually working off the same playbook with a few party-unique twists.

Anyway, besides the fake Texican and the ½ black, ½ white man, with no political experience, masquerading as a 100% black man with 100% experience, there were many others who raised serious doubts about this country’s common sense in promoting presidential candidates and ignoring Independents.

Many men actually thought they should be the Executive of the greatest country in the history of the world, here are few.

(1) An android, master “delusion-ist”, and internet creator;

(2) The “I blew myself up and then recommended myself for a purple heart, more than once”;

(3) Halliburton (need I say more; if I needed to, I would say, “Bell Helicopters”);

(4) There was the “that depends on what your definition of the word ‘is’ is”;

(5) Throw away “WW2 crippled vet with a speech impediment” candidate in 1996;

(6) Throw away “Vietnam crippled vet with a speech impediment and anger problem” candidate in 2008;

(7) Not to mention the kings of living political satire, masters of the multi-coloured coalition to keep albinos out, and holders of shocking hairdos.

That does not even scratch the surface of evidence that competition for the presidency of the United States is at an all time low. Even counting Harding, Grant, Ford, S. Douglas, and all those fake conservatives on the 2008 Republican ticket that lost out to the fakest conservative, as one “Obscene Horde”, mathematically that list equals only a fraction of silliness of the “newest” potential candidates. At least Clinton was a legitimate Rhodes Scholar; arrogant, yes, but highly intelligent; (except (1)when he ordered that rocket strike into the heart of Kabul trying to chill Bin-Laden- not wise; (2)Rwanda (but he admitted that mistake); and (3)Lewinsky (which he did not admit); and (4)Stephanopoulos (which was not an initial mistake)). [Note: If I had the $6 million an hour it takes to hire Steph, he would be my personal mentor; he would also come equipped with Carville, who works free of charge because he truly believes this political stuff is real and that the Creator has endowed him with political genius and the accompanying zany accent; Carville being the political equivalent of a bona fide church of Christ preacher).]

Anyway, so there is a dreadful selection of presidential candidates and the worst is yet to come, I am afraid. After assessing all that, a Stockdale with Alzheimers running with a fast-talking, no nonsense, chart-wielding, authentic Texican and billionaire does not sound so bad.

People, Perot almost won that 1992 election, that would have secured real freedom in the U.S. for at least the next five or six centuries, if he had; but that had to be stopped; but, I know what happened. I stumbled across this declassified, wiretapped conversation, not three years ago. I have held the story for long enough. The transcript is as follows.

Unidentified Voice (UV) – Ross, friend, you’re makin’ this little election too close for a lot of peoples likin’.

Perot – That’s right. Tell me, now. Tell me. [blacked out with permanent marker]… President Perot sounds and a free people of the United States?

UV – I’m thinkin’ you’d better step down…[blacked out]

Perot – Now, hold them horses, hombre. [blacked out]…they call a monumental event in American history. A third party victory will [blacked out]…upset the [blacked out]

UV- Maybe so. But hows ‘bout this, Ross. We are going to [blacked out]… skin, and eat all your precious [blacked out]… if you ain’t gonna step down.

Perot – H. Ross Perot don’t quit [blacked out] He can’t be threatened. No sir. No sir. No sir-re-bob. H. Ross Perot don’t quit. H. Ross Perot ain’t a feared of no man.”

UV – Ross, we’s gonna [blacked out]… until you do. Very embarrassing. Not to mention [blacked out]…daughter [blacked out]… photos [blacked out]… imps.

Perot – Ya’ll serious, ain’t ya. I thought you mighta been bluffin’. But ya’lls serious.

UV – Bet [blacked out]

Perot – Shoo-wee. [explicative – removed by JSM] Yankees. Ya’ll know how to play hardball, sure enough. Sure enough.

UV – So we have an accord.

Perot – Ain’t left with much choice; but I’ll come back . Can’t keep ole H. Ross Perot down. No sir. No sir! Ya see.

UV – We were going to suggest that you re-enter the [blacked out]... Hey, tell ya what, Ross. You can even pretend [blacked out]… again in ’96.

Perot – Bast [blacked out]… I see. I see.

UV – Thank ya, Ross. You made the right choice. Glad your takin’ this so well.

!!!Of course, I certainly cannot verify the authenticity of this document!!! Especially since the dialogue sounds like that Southern Bible Version, where Memphis is Jerusalem and everybody is talking with marbles in their mouths; or like the last president after a few cocktails at Bohemian Grove; or, admittedly, like a Saint Martel family reunion.

Anyway, the 1st moral of this tale is that when a candidate is threatened appropriately, punked-out, jailed, or found to really be the GOAT (like Sen. Dodd and the CEO incentive package fiasco) they ought to go down and stay down, or at least make only a spurious comeback like my man H. Ross Perot, then be gone forever. If half these clownish “fiends” dropped out when busted, maybe some real candidates would emerge. That is the problem, like zombies, they keep coming back. Remember Nixon?

The 2nd moral of this tale is that we need people with guts, like the “original” H. Ross Perot, who saw his mission clearly and surfaced, wild and hairy like John the Baptist. Half-crazed believers in the Constitution and Declaration, who in fact believe in liberty, in American prosperity and sovereignty, should step forward and howl long at the moon. To save this country we need a lot less backtracking, sidestepping, dodging, escaping, avoiding, double speaking, and a lot more

“Give me liberty, or give me death.” – Patrick Henry (actual Patriot).

Besides being the greatest Independent candidate in recent history, thoroughly whipping and exasperating Gore in a debate on NAFTA, and holding highest degrees in “common sense” and “patriotism”, during the Iran hostage Crisis, 1979, Perot successfully rescued his EDS team members held hostage by terrorists Iranians (surprise, surprise), while the government could only muster a tragic helicopter crash attempting to save theirs. Perot also received the Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the highest civilian award given by the Department of Defense and is a wonderful example of capitalism gone right.

So, come back “original” H. Ross Perot. Come back to us and make the path straight.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Declaration of Independence


(1) If you have not read the Declaration, you should. If you have not read it in a while, maybe you should consider it again.

(2) All quotations are from the Declaration of Independence unless otherwise noted.

Men must choose to be governed by God, or condemn themselves to be ruled by tyrants.” William Penn

A copy of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and a yellowed scrap of paper with a promise I made many moons before, travel with me wherever I go, secured in my back pocket. I carry those documents as a Christian carries the bible; or how they should carry the bible, not to pound people’s heads to force an impression or compliance, but to understand the beauty and significance of freedom.

Just as theological qualifications are not needed to understand the Sermon on the Mount, degrees in law and political science are not needed to understand the Declaration of Independence. Anyone able to read, with grammar school reasoning skills, can comprehend either text and glean insight into the arterial doctrine of each. They are direct, simple, and clear. They both reveal the mind of liberty; both say, “The people who think and act this way are free; this mindset needs no man-devised overlord to govern, for they rule themselves rightly, establishing peace, effecting harmony, and expressing love in such ways as to inspire more of the same.

We hold these truths to be self-evident….

Who needs instruction when the lessons are obvious? There is no mystery here; hierarchy in the status of human freedom does not exist. Though genetic differences be present, that of education and experience also, the Creator allocates no distinction in humans regarding “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Each human has the privilege to be alive and venture this existence. Each one among us has the privilege of independence, emancipation; that is, to live unfettered from the affliction of our fellowman, whether it be physical, psychological, or spiritual bondage. Each individual has the benefit to pursue personal contentment; that quest may not end fulfilled, but the birthright to chase that goal cannot be denied. These powerful three are unalienable; they cannot be challenged; they are indisputable; they are absolute guarantees of freedom. They cannot even be taught with perfect accuracy, for words are unable to express their richness, breadth, and depth; these truths are realized in the furnace of experience. Native to all, no one person, no group of people, no governing body could ever separate a human being from these three; it is impossible – oh, for the eyes with which to see, and the heart to understand that truth.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Stated already is that no governing body has the power to actually take control of the individual; this is a matter difficult to know for the power-mad and the defenseless. Declared unmistakably is that governments are not free to do as they choose, not free to follow impulses that differ from those they govern. Truth is, individuals are free and governments are subservient. Listen, governments must acquiesce to the will of the people; they have no right, executive, legislative, or judicial to subvert a majority vote of the populace. Government is for securing the great three unalienable rights and rights like these. Take note: “[Men] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (additional emphasis JSM). “Among these”; the entirety of undeniable rights is not listed. It is the obligation of government to safeguard these for her people, so they remain vigorous and cheering, intent to return a supply of greater power to her for the securing of an even greater confidence.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The government has no other real power than that which is authorized by the people; and only unconscious slaves would think and behave as if they did not know this truth. When government destroys Life, curtails Liberty, or hinders the pursuit of Happiness, its dissolution is essential to freedom. And did you notice the naming of another unalienable right of the people? “[I]t is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government….” A right unchallengeable by meager government, upheld in wisdom by the phrases, “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary…” and “not to be changed for light and transient causes…” and “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, their duty, to throw such government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Indeed, it is no insubstantial matter to engage in seditious philosophy, nor should it be undertaken by those without resolve to finish, no matter the conditions. Nonetheless, with the right cause- that being government which pursues a single “Object” that would render void the unalienable rights of her people, subjecting them to superfluous rule, evidenced by consistent abuse and an undermining of the majority’s consent -a detrimental government is clay fashioned by the people, rewritten and restyled, and sheltered by “new Guards” of freedom.

“[W]ith a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence….

Never far from the minds of the founding fathers was the true origin of freedom. The temporal alone can become malignant, when not invigorated by the spiritual. Of course, there is profound reason for this. With its death always in view, the heart of the temporal stirs towards artificial glory and begins to form a synthetic immortality. This is first peculiar since the temporal has no concern or warmth towards the spiritual; to seize a spiritual idea, it would seem the temporal had betrayed its own. This grasping for the everlasting is peculiar in a second sense, in that the temporal can never achieve perpetual existence; it does not have the inherent qualities to sustain itself forever, nor could it alone obtain them. Why the temporal seeks for immortality is beyond reason. To be remembered by others, recorded in school books, is at best the hope of fools, for what is not forgotten in years, decades dispose of; what escapes decades is consumed by centuries; what rarity eludes the centuries is devoured by the millennial; what slips beyond the millennial is engulfed by ages; what probably miraculously escapes ages is reduced by eonaeon; what unfeasibly escapes eonaeon is absorbed at the incalculable gap between the end of time and the beginning of eternity, a place where surely no person will hear utterance of any name. For the temporal, to seek remembrance is absurd, perhaps it has stolen the idea as Prometheus the fire did take or caught glimpse of an apparent connection as Emerson relates in his “History” lesson:

There is a relation between the hours of our life and the centuries of time. As the air I breathe is drawn from the great repositories of nature, as the light on my book is yielded by a star a hundred millions of miles distant, as the poise of my body depends on the equilibrium of centrifugal and centripetal forces, so the hours should be instructed by the ages and the ages explained by the hours. Of universal mind each individual man is one more incarnation. All its properties consist in him.

Whether myth or truth unverifiable, the temporal longs for something it cannot in fact obtain, something that it will never fully grasp. Therefore, it fashions images of itself and grandiose images of power, and hunts for what it knows is vanity. The emptiness of the temporal depresses and weakens the soul. With nothing, and nothing to hope for, except what is seen and decaying, the temporal seeks to preserve its own, to empower itself at all cost, each person above their fellows. In doing so it casts superiority upon the individual self in imitation of freedom, yet without regard for other individuals, consequently nullifying the true essence of freedom for all and advocating the creation and reign of oppressors.

Therefore, protection of true freedom must come from beyond humanity. A firm reliance beyond the temporal is necessary in achieving the concept of unalienable liberty. It must originate outside of man, from a source eternal, rising from that boundless place, where neither moth nor rust destroys, where no thief breaks in and steals. True freedom thrives and directs an extraordinary course of events that do give birth in the temporal realm, arriving in the thoughts and hearts of humans as possibilities of hope, as integrity and incorruptibility, as justice and security, as purpose and freedom, recognized from the earth by those gazing into the infinite fields of space as evident, benevolent providence.

No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” – Jesus