Thursday, May 21, 2009


Federal Communications Chairman Michael Copps is actively promoting a deception concerning the "Fairness Doctrine". Copps says that the prejudice "Doctrine" is not set for a comeback. Apparently he has not been listening to Pelosi & Reid, the chief tyrants against free speech and their despotic minions in the Democratic (Carpetbagger) and Republican (Scallywag) Parties.

Why am I speaking out against Copps? Because he indirectly called me an "issue monger" and "conspiracy theorist". I AM NEITHER.

The ISSUES are what is most pressing. To ignore ISSUES is to commit intellectual suicide, which has been done by most major network broadcast companies and their plastic faced, script reading puppets. If do not talk about the ISSUES, then the Modern Dictator Movement in the United States will continue its power grab and have us all regurgitating their profane and drone-ish doctrines. If power-mad politicians in Washington are talking about resurrecting the "Fairness Doctrine", then you can bet I'll be on that ISSUE.

And - Copps - for your information, it is not a conspiracy theory. When our political leaders are drafting legislation for its return it is no longer a theory and there is no conspiracy.

It appears the puppet Copps is a Utopian Drone. I thought much better of him before he revealed his allegiance. Now in America, contrary to the DHS assessment on Right-Wing Extremism, a person is innocent until proven guilty. So I'll give Copps some leniency, some time to come to his sense and retract his ignorance. Keep in mind, however, that if DHS, instead of me, were handling Copps guilt or innocence it would already be decided. DHS' policy is apparently guilty until proven innocent. If you have not yet read DHS' slanderous assessment, please do so. You will find that without committing any crime and without any evidence that crimes will be committed in the future, DHS assessed that and number of people are right-wing extremist. The list includes: Certain Christians, pro-lifers, those who are anti-illegal immigration, anti-new world order, and those who "bemoan the decline of the United States." WHAT DO THEY WANT US TO DO? CELEBRATE!!! Only a COMMUNIST RED TRAITOR ALDRICH AIMS BENEDICT ARNOLD JUDAS ISCARIOT TYPE would not WEEP & WAIL over the decline of the greatest nation in world history.

So many puppets. So many drones.

Is Copps a puppet?

He accused me of issue mongering. Only a puppet would of the "new" tolerance would try and silence a person from discussing the issues. So, imagine that, a puppet for the Dictator telling me and you not to talk about the issues at hand.

Also, DHS' assessment called the New World Order a "conspiracy theory" even thought every President since Bush I has talked about the NWO and driven us closer to it control, especially Obama. They are not the only ones. The Prime Minister of England and the President of Russia practically use the term every other week. YET, IS ONLY A CONSPIRACY THEORY.

And we should NOT be concerned with theories or ISSUES, apparently.


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