Monday, May 11, 2009


The uselessness of the United Nations continues to shock the civilized world!

Colombo, Sri Lanka –

Gordon Weiss, U.N. spokesperson said Monday (May 11, 2009), “The U.N. has consistently warned against the bloodbath scenario as we’ve watched the steady increase in civilian deaths over the last months.”

Apparently, as the United Nations WATCHED, nearly a 1000 people were ethnically cleansed, including 106 children, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Reminiscent of genocide in Rwanda, Africa, the U.N. has made quite a name for itself over the years by knowing of sure calamity, waiting until after disaster has struck, then acting as humanitarians to end the violence. NOTE: (1) the U.N. usually does not end the violence; please consider Mogadishu, or Darfur, Sudan, or the gangland battles with the Mexican government for that matter; (2) Anyone can be a humanitarian after the fact; what is so special about helping people after they have died?

That may sound harsh, especially to mindless supporters of globalization, but how cynical is it to MONITOR a death scenario without INTERVENING?

Are there no preventative measures to curb violence these days? Is everyone, including our savior, the United Nations, powerless to affect change in the world?

Whatever happened to preventative medicine? The ancient Far East used to practice true healing. A doctor cared for his patients. If they stayed healthy, they paid the doctor. If the patients became ill, the doctor paid them. Try explaining that one to your insurance company. Also, try getting a refund from you insurance company when you have overpaid. And, try recouping unused premium. The scam of insurance, caused by inflated prices, high-dollar lawyers, and especially trial lawyers, is bankrupting many individuals in many civilized countries. A similar scam is being ran by the U.N. Try explaining to the U.N. that education is more important than dropping bags of food into gang controlled areas of the world; that is it more efficient to teach a person how to fish than it is to give them fish; that it is more efficient to uphold laws and battle criminal gangsters than it is to peace-keep after a genocide. That is like trying to explain to an insurance company that when they take your premiums, and you never file a claim, that when they keep your money (premium) it is STEALING. The U.N. is stealing money from most countries in the world to act after the fact or NOT ACT AT ALL. Even insurance companies like All-State are becoming more proactive, offering small refunds and discounts to safe drivers. The U.N. needs to offer refunds and discounts to the United States for funding their substandard operations; or at least refund the countries that lost money in the U.N. “Oil for Food Scandal”, in which most of the THIEVES walked away. We need PREVENTATIVE ACTION, COMMON SENSE ACTION, EDUCATIONAL ACTION & POLICE ACTION not against innocent civilians (good-guys), but against dictators and gangsters world-wide. If the U.N. continues to prop-up dictators, protecting them as they did Sadaam Hussein, as they do protect the violent, Sudanese régimes by continuing to allow their presence on the U.N. Human Rights Commission, which is under the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Imagine that, slave traders and violent aggressors protecting the world’s innocent for barbarous slave masters. What a great idea! But hey, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights is just a forum; they do not really plan on doing anything anyway.

Back to Sri Lanka… How many bodies must pile up here and across the globe before the United Nations revamps their policies and recreates their philosophy? How much longer will the citizens of the United States allow their globalist-representatives send tax dollars to an organization whose thought and strategy are more primitive than the counties they are trying to help?

A brave new world is upon us, and those leading the pack only treat symptoms. They apparently enjoy watching more than acting. They only want to get their hands dirty pilfering the global tax till, not actually preventing violence and crimes against humanity. It is time for A NEW WORLD ORDER, a rule of civilized people, not despotic gangsters and world dictators disguised as humanitarians. Whether by putting a gun to your head and a boot to your throat or creating laws to silence freedom of speech, DICTATORS IS DICTATORS, brothers and sisters. They all got to go.



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